
Gabriola Dance and Pilates 2017/18 Policies

Welcome parents and dancers to the 2017/18 season at Gabriola Dance.

The Nitty Gritty!

Registration forms and post dated cheques can be returned on or before August 26th. I will be at my home studio from 1:00-3:30 on this final day. Other registration days are at the Fitness Centre including:
Aug 12/19 2:00-4:00

All classes run September 11-June 8. Two weeks off for Christmas, Dec 25-Jan 5, and spring break March 19-30. Classes run as usual on holidays. (Payments include 36 weeks of instruction, a dress rehearsal and 3 performances on June 9/10 at The Community Hall.)

Prices are as follows. (These do not include tax)

Hours danced/week
Monthly fee
Annual fee
Cost per hour
1 hour
1.5 hrs
2 hours
2.5 hrs
3 hours
3.5 hrs
4 hours
For additional hours please add $9/hour ($4.50/half hour)
**** Payment options:
            -One payment in full by Sept. 15/17  (e-transfers are only accepted when paying for the whole year at once.)
               -10 monthly cheques dated the first of the month Sept 1/17 -June 1/18
****Class Prices may increase 5% on Oct 1/17 and 10% on Jan 1/18. Students may be refused admission after March 1st.

The good news!

1. Cheques are payable to Mara Brenner. Fees for each month (Sept-June, 10 months) do not change depending on weeks/month or holidays. Classes run as usual on all school Pro-D days and statutory holidays other than Christmas/New Years and spring break.

2. Costume/registration fee-A $20 annual registration fee and a $20 costume rental fee PER CLASS will be required from every student upon registration with cheque dated Sept. 1/17. This is a rental fee. All costumes are the property of Gabriola Dance.
3. Missed Classes – If Gabriola Dance cancels a regularly scheduled class a make-up class will be posted on the facebook page Gabriola Dance and Pilates and by email. You are not required to attend a make-up class, but no refunds will be given for the cancelled class. If a student misses a regularly scheduled class, they may ask if there is an appropriate make-up class to attend and no refunds will be given.

4. Dance gear. Please ask your teacher about appropriate dance clothes and shoes for your child.  Please, no outside clothes will be allowed after Oct. 15th.
Female Ballet students are required to wear pink tights and shoes. Pink Ballet wrap sweaters are permitted. No skirts, hoodies  please.  Ballet Leotard colours by age are as follows. Any style is acceptable.
K/1/2 Pink, 3/4/5 Teal, 6/7/8 Dark Blue, 9 and up Dark Blue or Black.
The dance store is Performing Fabrics at #104-6750 Island Highway 250-390-2065

5. Hair is dependant of dance style. Please ask your teacher if you are unsure.
Ballet dancers with hair at shoulder length must wear a pony tail and bobby pin hair away from face. Ballet students in grade 4 and up please wear a bun.

6. Medical history. On top of returning the medical history form, please inform the instructor verbally of any medical issues your child may have....i.e....asthma.

7. Year-end performances. All children will be included in the year end show and may be offered to attend additional rehearsals in June. If your child will not be available for the year end performances please inform your instructor by March 1st.

8. Performance classes/festival dancers. Older students who show a deep commitment to dance  may be invited  to join this elite group. Some fees for these class (choreo and instruction, registration fees, etc…)  are not always included in your regular class fees/costume fees.

The less good news    

1.All NSF cheques are subject to a $20 fee. 
2.Costumes are to be returned on June 17 at the wrap up party  in the same shape they were received, hangar included or a fee of up to $100 may be imposed.
3. Refunds- should your family decide to quit dance, a 30 day written notification period is required (email ok) in order to not pay fees the first day of the following month. Should your dancer be injured and withdraw for the remainder or part of the season, a doctor’s note is required and then your refund will be applied.
4. Observation. As the studio is small, we ask that you observe classes through the outside window
5.Costume fees will not be refunded after March 1st, 2017. Registration fee will not be refunded after Oct. 1st/17
6. Shared facility. Children must never walk through the gym unless accompanied by an instructor. (Please note, parents are not permitted to walk through either...insurance issue) Due to the design of the studio, the bathroom is available for use during class, when necessary,  but not as a changing room before or after class. Please arrive for class with all dance attire under your street clothes. I.e.change at school or on Ferry.

Gabriola Dance and Pilates
Student Registration Form: Sept-June 2017/18


Student’s Name: ___________________________________ Birth Date: _____________ Age: ______
School: ______________________ Grade: _________Home Address: __________________________ City: ___________________________Postal Code: __________________ Home Phone:___________  Students cell:____________    Student’s Email_____________________________________________

PARENT(S)/GUARDIAN(S) information

1. Name: ____________________________________ Relationship to Child: _____________________
Cell Phone: (______)________________________ Work Phone: (______)_______________________
E-Mail: ___________________________________
2. Name: ____________________________________ Relationship to Child: _____________________
Cell Phone: (______)________________________ Work Phone: (______)_______________________
E-Mail: ___________________________________

Class Name, Day,  Length of class
1. ________________________________ ______________________ _________________________
2. ________________________________ ______________________ _________________________
3. ________________________________ ______________________ _________________________
4. ________________________________ ______________________ _________________________                        
                                                                                     TOTAL CLASS HOURS per month ________                           
Payment Plans:
Plan A- Full payment by Sept. 1st by cash, cq, or e-transfer Annual/10 month price with 5% tax __________

Plan B- 10 even monthly cheques dated the first of the month from Sept 1/17-June 1/18
                                                                                            Monthly price with 5% tax ______­­­­__________
Registration fee $20 with 5% tax _______
Costume Fee/s each $20 x ? with 5% tax _________
                                                                      TOTAL Due Sept 1/17________
                                                                      TOTAL due monthly Oct1-June 1__________
Registration requirements:
·         -Administration fee $20 ($40 family maximum) No refunds after Oct 1/17
·         -Costume fee $20 per class (excluding Performance Team  class) No refunds after March 1/18
·         -Class fees Plan A (One payment) Plan B (10 cheques post dated Sept 1-June 1)
·         -Signed contracts (30 day notice before the 1st of the month is required to cancel this contract)

PRINT NAME: _____________________________ SIGNATURE: _____________________________________
DATE: ____________________ RELATIONSHIP TO STUDENT: ____________________________
WITNESS (Must be at least 18 years of age): _______________________________________________________
Gabriola Dance and Pilates


Name of Student: _________________________________________________
Indicated in the space below are any health problems or conditions of which the studio should be aware (such as heart, back, medical, allergy, muscular, pregnancy, diabetes, epilepsy, chemical or neurological condition, special medication, knee/kidney/shoulder problems, etc.). I understand that risk of injury is inherent in any physical activity and I, on behalf of myself and my child, knowingly and voluntarily accept that risk. I, the undersigned, for myself, my heirs, administrators, and executors, hereby waive and release Gabriola Dance and Pilates individually and Mara Brenner and her staff from any and all claims or damages of any kind arising out of my child’s participation in the exercise and/or dance program of Gabriola Dance and Pilates.  I further certify that the aforementioned student is in proper physical condition to participate in the exercise/dance program and that he/she has been examined by a licensed physician and found to be in proper physical condition to participate in said program. I, the undersigned, do hereby authorize Gabriola Dance and Pilates or her designated agents, being teachers or administrators, to obtain medical treatment for my said child in emergency situations where I cannot be reached in time to authorize the treating physician to provide such emergency medical services. This authority includes the power to authorize any and all treatment deemed necessary under the circumstances by a licensed physician. This power is in essence a power of attorney and shall remain in effect for one year from the date signed below.

I _____________________, parent of ________________________  have read, understand and agree to the 2017/18 Gabriola Dance and Pilates Policies

SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN: _______________________________ DATE: __________

WITNESS (Must be at least 18 years of age): __________________________

Physician name and number: __________________________________

Allergies (food, medicine, etc): ________________________________

Best Number to call in case of emergency:________________________

Additional Information/CommentsWelcome parents and dancers to the 2016/17 season at Gabriola Dance.
Classes can be added at anytime and start back up on Jan 9th.

The Nitty Gritty!

Registration forms and post dated cheques can be returned on or before August 23rd. I will be at my home studio from 1:00-3:30 on this final day. Other registration days are at the Fitness Centre including:

July 23rd 2:00-5:00

July 31st 9:00-3:00
August !7th 4-9 pm at the Fitness Centre

All classes run September 12-June 3rd. (Two weeks off for Christmas, Dec 23-Jan 9, and spring break March 17-23)

Fees include weekly classes, at least one company rehearsal (TBA during week of June 4-10), one dress rehearsal and 3 performances June 10/11 at the Phoenix Auditorium. Dates tentative.

This year's Prices are as follows.

Hours danced/week
Monthly fee
Annual fee
Cost per hour
1 hour

1.5 hrs

2 hours

2.5 hrs


3 hours
3.25 hrs

3.5 hrs

3.75 hrs

4 hours
For additional hours please add $8/hour or $2/quarter hour

Payment options:
  • 10 monthly cheques dated the first of the month Sept 1/15 -June 1/16
  • e-transfers are only accepted when paying for the whole year at once.

Please note: Class Prices may increase 5% on Oct 1/15 and 10% on Jan 1/16. Students may be refused admission after March 1st.

The good news! 
  1. Cheques are payable to Mara Brenner. Fees for each month (Sept-June) do not change depending on weeks/month or holidays. Classes run as usual on all school Pro-D days and statutory holidays other than Christmas/New Years and spring break.
  2. Costume/registration fee-A $20 annual registration fee and a $20 costume fee PER CLASS will be required from every student upon registration with cheque dated Sept. 1/15. This is a rental fee.
  3. Missed Classes – If Gabriola Dance cancels a regularly scheduled class a make-up class will be posted on the facebook page Gabriola Dance and Pilates. You are not required to attend a make-up class, but no refunds will be given for the cancelled class. If a student misses a regularly scheduled class, they may ask for an appropriate make-up class to attend and no refunds will be given. 
  4. Dance gear. Please ask your teacher about appropriate dance clothes and shoes for your child. Please, no outside clothes will be allowed after Oct. 15th.
  5. Female Ballet students are required to wear pink tights and shoes. Pink Ballet wrap sweaters are permitted. No skirts please. 
  6. Leotard colours by age are as follows. Any style is acceptable. K/1/2 Pink, 3/4/5 Light blue, 6/7/8 Dark Blue, 9 and up Dark Blue or Black. 
  7. Hair is dependant of dance style. Please ask your teacher if you are unsure.
  8. Ballet dancers with hair at shoulder length must wear a pony tail and bobby pin hair away from face. Ballet students in grade 4 and up please wear a bun. 
  9. Medical history. On top of returning the medical history form, please inform the instructor verbally of any medical issues your child may have....i.e....asthma.
  10. Year end performances. All children will be included in the year end show and will be required to attend additional rehearsals in June. If your child will not be available for the year end performances please inform your instructor by March 1st.
  11. Performance classes/festival dancers. Older students may be selected to join these groups. Fees for these classes are not always included in your regular class fees/costume fees

The less good news
  1. All NSF cheques are subject to a $20 fee.
  2. Costumes are to be returned on June 11th in the same shape they were received or a fee of up to $100 may be imposed
  3. Refunds- should your family decide to quit dance, a 30 day written notification period is required (email ok) in order to not pay fees the following month. Should your dancer be injured and withdraw for the remainder or part of the season, a doctor’s note is required and then your refund will be applied.
  4. Observation. As the studio is small, we ask that you observe classes through the outside window 
  5. Costume fees will not be refunded after March 1st, 2015
  6. Shared facility. Children must never walk through the gym unless accompanied by an instructor. (Please note, parents are not permitted to walk through either...insurance issue) Due to the design of the studio, the bathroom is available for use during class but not as a changing room. Please arrive for class with all dance attire under your street clothes. I.e.change at school.